Saturday, August 15, 2009

Six Golden Rules

Tea of the Day: Scottish Blend (Black, Hot)

Song of the Day: Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller

Today I typed the word "tea" into YouTube and I came across a lengthy British advertisement for how to properly prepare tea from the year 1941!! It is amazing!

Here is the link if you want to watch it: .

Some of it is very outdated (this is almost 70 years old!), but it is so fascinating. Here are some quotes from the video that I found very amusing:

"It's not everyone who can make a good cup of tea!"

"Remember, tea is not a manufactured article which can be made, bottled up, and sold at will. It must be prepared every time it is required." (Tell that to Lipton!!)

"Success or failure depends entirely on the attention you pay to the six golden rules."

And here are the six "golden rules" of tea making:

1. Always use a good quality tea.
2. Always use freshly drawn water. Stale water means stale tea!
3. Remember to warm the tea pot to prevent loss of temperature.
4. Measure the right quantity of tea for the amount of water in the pot.
5. The water must just reach boiling point, and must not be under- or over-boiled.
6. Let the tea infuse properly before serving. Brew tea for 3 to 5 minutes in a cup or ordinary tea pot, and 10 to 15 minutes in a large container.

Finally, "don't spoil a good cup of tea with bad preparation. Let every cup you make be a cup that cheers!" =)

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